Alright, so you’ve just wrapped up a killer event. The energy was high, connections were made, and your photographer delivered a boatload of awesome photos. And then… crickets. Those photos? They’re sitting in a folder somewhere, doing nothing but taking up space.

Here’s the deal: If your event photos aren’t working for you, you’re leaving overlooking epic marketing, or even leaving MONEY on the table. But don’t worry—I’m about to show you how to flip that script.

Step 1: Find the Gems (and Ditch the Rest)

First things first—do a photo audit. Yeah, I know, not the most thrilling task, but trust me, it’s worth it. You don’t need a thousand photos clogging up your feed; you need the ones that matter. Our galleries make it easy to browse ALL of the photos, and even easier to ‘favorite’ your images to download specific people or scenes. Don’t worry – all your photos are safe with us.

Look for images that:

  • Hit Home: Pick the shots that scream your brand’s message.
  • Make ’Em Feel Something: Grab the ones where you can practically feel the vibe. People connect with emotion, so use it.
  • Stand Out: No one remembers the boring stuff. Choose the photos that pop.

Step 2: Make Social Media Your Playground

Now that you’ve got your winners, it’s time to splash ’em all over social media. Share, share, and share some more. But, hey, don’t just toss ’em out willy-nilly—there’s a method to this madness.

  • LinkedIn: Show off those high-impact moments. Toss in a smart comment or two, and boom—you’re the thought leader.
  • Instagram: Go for the eye candy. Use carousels to tell a mini-story, or drop some behind-the-scenes magic.
  • Facebook: Create an album. Tag folks. Let it spread like wildfire.
  • Twitter: Hit ’em with quick highlights. Keep it snappy, keep it engaging.

Remember, it’s all about creating a vibe that your audience or company wants to be a part of. Throw in some hashtags, tag relevant people, and make sure you’ve got a solid call to action.

Step 3: Plug Photos into Your Marketing Machine

Time to give your website and marketing a little facelift.

  • Website Refresh: Swap out those old homepage images with fresh event photos. Keeps things looking current.
  • Blog It Up: Drop these photos into your blog posts. They break up the text and keep people scrolling.
  • Email Magic: Use these photos in your follow-up emails. Personalize ’em—clients love seeing themselves in action. (Don’t forget the speakers/VIPs!)

And don’t forget video content! Make a slick slideshow or use the photos as video backgrounds. It’s all about keeping your brand visuals tight and consistent.

Step 4: Use Photos to Build Relationships (Like a Boss)

Here’s where the magic really happens—using your event photos to boost client and partner relationships.

  • Client Follow-Ups: Send a quick thank-you with some sweet shots attached. It’s a small gesture, but it keeps you top of mind.
  • Partner Perks: Share the love by giving your partners photos to use in their marketing. It’s a win-win—they get content, and you get more exposure.

And for the cherry on top? Use these photos in case studies and when you’re fishing for testimonials. Nothing says “we nailed it” like visual proof.

The Big Takeaway

Look, your event photos aren’t just pretty pictures—they’re business assets. Use them right, and they’ll keep working for you long after the event wraps. So, stop letting them collect digital dust, and start putting them to work.

Now go out there and make every shot count.

Are you interested in booking Savannah Corporate Photography? Then contact us today to get your next event BOOKED!

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About the Author: Bud Johnson